They is not enough on some using had I really I'm when all the time as at somebody was thing here in the end in the in the front no but fundamental needs an individual activity and that's something that we should haven mind it's an individual activity we don't surge with others research along I'm every move forward I'm can go to Danny coming in again hands out here how many of you have Gmail accounts YouTube 1985 Gmail accounts hmm I do you have any issue me I have okay <click here for link> we how many of you had me accounts five years ago I'm email accounts I'm you see me stubbornly high from the hands I down is another indication on how fast these things are actually changing I'm so room so what it what happens is use in the meantime not right you toucan we do to think it's better than our corporate the main I'm my husband federal prison staff and it's better than the corporate he made me have my and it's free for me you need concerning which gives this is sort.